書 名:來自遠方的天使—羅麥瑞修女的臺灣情緣
口 述:羅麥瑞
採 訪:雷俊玲、周雪舫
編 著:周雪舫
售 價:500元

~輔仁大學校長 江漢聲
羅修女的訪談錄出版,邀我寫序,感到十分榮幸。也許我可由近身觀察,引領讀者更易於了解她。在我看來,她真像個應 上主召喚的使女,勇敢地由德國來到地球另一端的台灣,耕耘輔仁大學這家政領域,一生無悔地貢獻給臺灣學子及人民。在輔大今日民生及服裝專業領域,她的付出與豐碩成果,是有目共睹的。正因她人缘好,所謂〈得道者多助,衆志成城〉,而有今日成就。讀者一定很好奇,想一窺其內在動力之泉源,是否與信仰有關。一個德國人克服了語文及文化之障礙,以其學術上之努力及兩次進修,遂能逐級順利升等到正教授,在本書相關章節都提供了答案,相信會引人入勝。
民生學院之建立:眾所週知輔仁大學源於北京輔大, 1939年於恭王府設立家政學系,專招女生,開女生受高等教育之先河,並交由聖神會所負責,當時在北京家政學系系主任即吳秉雅修女。民國五十二(1963)年大學部在台復校時,家政營養系是最初設立十個學系組之一。民生之母----吳秉雅修女再度由菲律賓返台主持系務,逐年發展成三個學系及研究所,以致當時如再歸屬於理學院,已經不合時宜了,才有1994年(國際家庭年)民生學院獨立之核可。但為精心規劃賦予民生學院精神及願景,羅修女實在殫精竭慮,也因此吸引我由國立體育學院(今國立體育大學) 重回輔仁大學,放棄日後由公立大學退休之優厚待遇,其次我個人也藉此來紀念先母是另一原因。
輔仁大學第五任校長 李寧遠
我在當教務長(1993.8-2000.-1)時,正當全國共同課程改革,輔大經過二年的討論訂定了全人教育的目標及課程,其中「大學入門」就是經由她的建議而產生的。另外,我委託她帶領織品服裝學系設計符合輔仁大學特色的博士袍也是沿用至今,她在輔大做了非常多的事(如參與訂定輔大的宗旨目標、担任輔大的董事…. ),都是影響深遠的好事。
大學入學考試中心主任 黎建球
爲了獎學金,羅修女不辭辛苦為她的學生遊走奔波籌措經費,急切誠摯之情猶如學生為己出,見者為之動容。鮑先生因此問她:「為台灣紡織界培養人才,除了師資,還有什麽困難?既然台灣企業有此需要,爲何不培養更多的人呢?」 羅修女答道:「現有的教學實習空間狹小,阻礙發展,無法招收容納更多學子。」就這樣先夫率先承諾贊助興建由羅修女規劃的教學大樓。記得那是民囯七十四、七十五年左右,台灣紡織行業普遍獲利不佳,中興紡織按理說已經沒有什麽利潤可以捐贈。但鮑先生被羅修女認真工作,犧牲奉獻的精神感動了,決定由私人捐資。雖然他本人沒能參與大樓動土,未能目睹大樓建成就已逝世,但我相信在天之靈的他會很高興看到2,800坪含地下室共七層的教學實習大樓,二十多年來成千上萬的學子在其中學習生活。這些都得力於羅修女率領教職團隊日夜辛勤的工作才得以實現。
~前中興紡織公司董事長 周音喜
Several years passed by since Professor Chun-Lin Lei from the History Department asked me for an interview as a contribution to the ‘Fu Jen oral history’. My understanding at that time was that I would share some stories of the early beginnings and development of our University, such as might not have been recorded elsewhere. Subsequently, Professor Hsien-Fang Chou from the same Department approached me saying that she would continue the interviews initiated by her colleague. I agreed, assuming that with a few more meetings her expectations would be fulfilled. However, as the process unfolded, I realized that the intention was to compose an entire book related to me personally, the content of which was limited not only to Fu Jen or my experiences in the Department of Textiles and Clothing, but would also include my family background, my childhood memories, my decision to join the SSpS religious/missionary order, and my attraction to Taiwan as well.
As the process of story-telling, recording, writing, verifying, and searching for relevant photos continued over a long period of time, I increasingly came to admire Professor Chou’s sincere interest, enduring patience, attention to detail, professional conscientiousness and skill. Her fervour, selfless attitude, and the amount of time and energy she was willing to invest in this project, kind of ‘obliged me’ to cooperate with similar generosity. To comply with her expectations, I agreed that during my home leave to Germany during the summer months I would do my best to search for old family photos, take pictures of our parish church, and parental farm with its surrounding fields of wheat and meadows, cows and horses.
Upon my return to Taiwan in late August, the author learned about our Department’s intention to host a major TC Alumni Homecoming on December 3 this year, which would include a celebration of the 50th anniversary of my arrival in Taiwan and Fu Jen University. As a result, Professor Chou doubled her enthusiasm intent on having the book published early December.
I must admit that - despite our fervent mutual cooperation - I wondered at times, even questioned myself as to whether it really was worth all the time and effort we put forward. It was with this state of mind and heart when one day a saying from the great missionary Albert Schweitzer fell into my hands which well-fitted my need as well as life experience. This is what he reminded me of: “Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know everything happens for a reason”.
From then on that ‘reason’ began to reveal itself to me, particularly in relation to the title the author had chosen for this book. It then dawned upon me that she, rather than me, was the ‘angel’ sent from ‘on high’ with a clear message which caused my inner hesitation and doubts to vanish. I understood that, rather than merely becoming one of the short-lived highlights of the forthcoming alumni gathering, the time-consuming oral history process coinciding with my 50th anniversary of my arrival in Taiwan was meant as a divine gift in as much as it ‘force me’ to slow down and take out some time to re-call the past so as to more deeply ponder the wondrous ways of Divine Providence in my life: testing my faith and commitment, protecting me in times of doubt and darkness, while constantly re-assuring me by means of clear signs of his caring presence, amazing patience, and grace-filled guidance through all the ups and downs over the past fifty years. In other words, the ‘angel from on high’ in the person of Professor Chou, succeeded in gently coercing me to comply with God’s intention to make my 50th year in Taiwan year a year of due reflection, thanksgiving and celebration. After all, it was His amazing grace that succeeded to inter-weave the diverse threads of my life into patterns of surprising coherence, revealing a tapestry of unique quality, one which reflects His ways of responding and fulfilling the dreams of my childhood, the longing of my youthful heart, and the faith and trust I put in His Sacred Scripture-based word and promises when I sailed to the Far East. Hence, not to me, but to Him be all glory and honour, now and eternally.
Such kind of pondering intensified throughout the relaxing summer months in Germany this year, blessed with family re-unions, visiting friends, participating in prayer services with the well-known parish community, and returning to places of origin, such as Steyl and Wimbern, where our religious/missionary order was founded more than 125 years ago, and where my missionary vocation was formed. Furthermore, I also take special delight in the fact that the 50th anniversary of missionary life in Taiwan coincides with the global ‘Jubilee Year of Mercy’, proclaimed by Pope Francisco December 8, 2015, intended to deepen our experience of God’s infinite compassion assuming a human face in the person and life of Jesus, always ready to forgive and forget our faults and shortcomings as long as we too are willing to forgive others. For only if we learn to “Be merciful as your Heavenly Father is merciful”, and to “Love one another as I (Jesus) have loved you” will our joy be complete, and human history and destiny find fulfilment.
Returning once more to the title of this book, I need to say something more about ‘angels with human faces’. In addition to the author, there have been many more angels accompanying me on my life’s journey, specifically throughout my years at Fu Jen since my arrival on February 10, 1966. One year later, I could be present among those who attended the first Fu Jen graduation ceremony held in the Chung Shan Hall of Taipei City with Cardinal Paul Yü Pin as our University President and Madame Chiang Soong May-ling as keynote speaker. Up to this date, I had the privilege to serve seven Fu Jen Presidents under whose leadership. I personally and our department received great support and encouragement, especially throughout the challenging years of the founding and development of our Department, Graduate Institute, and College. Thank you dear Cardinal Paul Yü Pin, Archbishop Lo Kuang, Msgr. Chen-Ying Ly, Dr. Tuen-Ho Yang, Dr. Ming-Yuean Lee, Dr. Bernard Li, and Dr. Han-Sun Chiang for your leadership and support!
Furthermore, our SVD Brothers, especially those in administrative positions before the unification on the University, deserve appreciation for coping with a tenacious person like me, whenever the good of students and faculty was at stake during my many years in leadership of the department and graduate institute. Equally I feel indebted to my own international community of fellow-sisters for their faithful companionship and prayerful support, nourished by the same spirit, and sharing a common mission.
In addition to all these ‘angelic powers’ leading, supporting and facilitating my missionary and professional endeavours, there are some whom I consider ‘archangels’ because without them my life wouldn’t have been the same. First among these is Sr. Urbania SSpS, Mother of the Minsheng College, my dear friend and mentor. Her far-reaching vision and commitment to the mission of this University are rooted as deeply as the beginning of the Women’s Section of our beloved Fu Jen University in Peking. Her sense of mission was totally ‘family-oriented’. Thanks to her, this family-spirit continues to energize our present TC faculty and staff and has been conscientiously preserved and cultivated by each of the department heads to this very day. Thinking of them, I much appreciate Professor Chou Huan as my closest collaborator in laying the foundation of the Department together with Lecturer Teaching Assistant Ya-In Tung. Equally, my gratitude extends to all successive chairpersons - Dr. Annie Chiao, Professor Zerman Hu, Dr. Tina Huang, Dr. Su-Lee Tsai, Dr. Ching-Yi Cheng, and now Dr. Zhao-Hua Ho, as well as Alex Yeung, Head of the 2-years Accessories and Retailing Department under whose able leadership - supported by the entire full-time and part-time faculty and the team of teaching assistants - the TC enterprise was blessed with all kinds of creative initiatives and enjoyed continuous steady development. Moreover, we are also blessed, now and in the past, with a very responsible team of cleaning personnel. Thanks to them, and the long-time services of TC-devoted carpenters, electricians and plumbers, we all can operate in a functional and pleasant learning environment. They are all part of our TC Family and won’t miss our annual Christmas celebration. Finally, there is the team of secretaries who are like ‘guardian angels’ in our midst. Swift, like angel wings - led by the good example of our senior secretaries Grace Ho, Sandy Wu, and earlier, Stella Chen - they are highly self-motivated, eager to serve, and mutually supportive. Their spirit and example bears witness to the effectiveness of our well-known departmental motto: “Together we can make it!”
Yes, indeed: “Together we can do even better!” May this motto continue to also animate our numerous TC alumni distributed all over the world! For in the future, more than ever, you and we will need each other’s support to advance the Fu Jen and TC family spirit in an increasingly complex, dis-oriented world. So far, the Department has greatly benefitted from your ongoing professional contribution and industry-related assistance. Moreover, we are proud of your accomplishments, particularly of our many “Outstanding TC Alumni”, celebrated every year on Alumni Homecoming Day. In addition, this year the 6th TC alumna, Hsun-The Hsu will be granted the highly competitive and prestigious “Outstanding Fu Jen University Alumni Award’, preceded by Yu-Chi Lai, Jack Chen, Jason Chen, Jet Kao, and Yuma Taru from the Atayal Tribe. May your shining example inspire our present generation of students; and may our TC alumni leadership team find effective ways and means to bond us together in ways that benefit one and all!
Indeed, God has sent so many human-faced angels into my life, too many to mention by name, including many companies from our local textile and fashion industry, supporting and collaborating with us in a variety of ways. Outstanding among them are Chung Shing Textile Co. Ltd. President In-Shii Chou and her husband Chao-Yun Bao– after whom our building is named. They not only have gifted us with a building, but also with an environment in which we can co-create our own TC culture. As far as President Shing-Tson Gu of GTM Corporation and his wife Gu Chen Siu-Wei are concerned, they have made an exceptional contribution to the development of our textile museum which has become a well-known cultural asset not only of our Department but also of our University through various exhibitions in local national museums. Here long-term Museum Manager Fu-Lin Kao deserves special recognition for her professional care for our extensive museum collections, her intensive involvement in all related activities and publications. As far as students and faculty are concerned, our collections of Aborigines, Taiwanese, Chinese, and Chinese Minorities constitute a vast design- and first-hand research resource, for we are convinced that for fashion to make sense and remain sustainable, it needs to be culture-rooted.
Finally, I want to say “thank you” to my family and friends in Germany, for your sincere interest in my life’s journey and mission, for your visits to Taiwan, and our enjoyable family reunions during the summer months when at home. Above all, I thank you for always keeping me and our Fu Jen mission in your prayers.
Truly, I do believe in angels, particularly those present in our day-to-day life. Therefore, with deep-felt gratitude to Professor Hsien-Fang Chou, and to the Fu Jen Catholic University History Office which encouraged and generously sponsored this publication, as well as all the angelic powers accompanying and surrounding me till this very day -including those not explicitly mentioned in this preface or in the content of this book -I wish to conclude this preface with one of my favourites, namely a song about angels. However, since my voice is no longer beautiful enough, allow me to borrow the voice of the singer. As you listen to the musical video and watch the images, may you know how much Icherish you and all the memories that surfaced during the process of this oral history project! May you also know that you are included in my daily prayer, pleading that all of us may discover the many ‘human-faced’ angels God sends our way, day after day “to help us cope with anything”! They are His divine messengers, empowered to inspire, direct, and keep us on the right path. Knowing God’s plan for us, they are sent to lead us toward our lasting happiness in as much as we follow the voice of conscience deep within our hearts, prompting us to continuously pursue what is of true value, what is good, beautiful and holy for our own and everyone’s benefit, for humanity’s sustainable development, and our common final destination.
I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale (for me the truth of the Bible stories)
You can take the future even if you fail!
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream
I have a dream, a fantasy (God’s compassionate love and care for one and all)
To help me through reality;
And my destination makes it worth the while,
Pushing through the darkness still another mile
I believe in angels,
Something good in everything I see.
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream – I have a dream.
~Laumann, SSpS
除了這些在我傳教和專業努力上有帶領、支持和協助的「天使能量」外,還有一些我認為是「總領天使級」的,因為若沒有他們,我的生命會是不一樣的。這當中我首先要提的是民生學院之母吳秉雅修女(Sr. Urbania, SSpS),她是我摯愛的朋友,也是我敬愛的導師。她的遠見和對本大學使命的奉獻早深植於前北京輔仁大學女生部之時。她的使命感完全是「家庭導向」。感謝有她,這個家庭精神被歷任系主任有意識的保存和耕耘,直至今日仍持續賦予現今織品系的師資團隊動能。對於歷任系主任,我非常感謝在本系奠基時我最佳合作伙伴周緩教授和董亞英老師,其後的系主任們也一樣:喬昭華博士、胡澤民教授、黃昭瓊博士、蔡淑梨博士、鄭靜宜博士和現任的何兆華博士,以及兩年制的流行設計經營系系主任楊維漢教授。在他們出色的領導與專兼任教師們及助教團隊的共同支援下,織品服裝產業有了各式各樣創意及持續的穩定發展。
另外,我們一直很幸福地擁有非常盡責的環境清潔工作團隊和長期為織品系盡心維修的木工師傅和水電師傅,感謝有他們讓我們全體能有個方便愉悅的學習環境,他們都是我們織品家園的家人,從不會錯過每年的耶誕團聚慶祝。最後,我要提我們的秘書團隊,她們就像在我們當中的守護天使,有著輕快有如天使的翅膀,由資深的何祖蕙、吳美禛、李曼榕、李曉雯、汪昭慧和早期的陳貴糖帶領典範,她們總是高度自發且熱切服務並互相支持的。她們的精神和模範見證了我們眾所周知的系標語“Together we can make it!”。
是的,沒錯﹗“Together we can do even better!” 願這個系的標語持續著並激勵散布遍及全世界為數眾多的織品系系友!因為未來,更甚於以往,你們和我們更需要彼此支持,在日益複雜的世界中去推動輔仁和織品家園的精神。迄今,系上已因你們持續的專業貢獻和產業相關的協助而大大的受益。再者,我們對你們的成就感到驕傲,特別是我們多位「傑出織品系系友」會在每年的系友返校時受頒。此外,今年第七屆系友徐順德,將繼賴裕綺、陳福川、陳國欽、高樹勳、和泰雅族的尤瑪.達陸之後,受頒最高殊榮的「輔仁大學傑出校友」。願你們這些閃耀的典範激發我們新世代的學子們。也願我們織品系友領導團隊,找到有效方法將我們團結起來,造福個人和全體,讓生命的感染成為新的力量。
本書本文約12萬字,僅能簡單敘述羅麥瑞修女近80年豐富的生活經歷,實在是還有很多可以補充之處,因此造成的疏漏,尚祈讀者諒解。本書得以付梓,首先感謝羅修女應輔仁大學校史室之邀,進行多次口述歷史訪談。前幾次口述歷史由已自歷史學系退休的雷俊玲副教授採訪,感謝雷老師退休後仍為輔大效勞,本書即以此為基礎加以擴充,由編著者再進行數次訪談以補充內容。寫作期間,羅修女提供許多相關資料給編著者參考,諸如由修女策劃的服飾展覽DM、介紹SSpS的小冊子〈天主之窗“WINDOWs unto GOD”〉……甚而很放心的將所有的護照借給編著者慢慢查對日期。
~輔仁大學歷史學系教授 周雪舫

